Recently, we celebrated TriState Technology’s sixth birthday.

We expected the day to be full of fun, entertainment, celebration, and so much more.

And, it was! We all Tristatians enjoyed a lot.

But, how could we have let go of this chance to grab our bosses?

We made a plan to know TriState Technology from within. We have always cherished the core values of our company. But, wanted to know how the company started its journey. The older employees might be knowing the complete story, but it is necessary for the new employees and even for the would-be employees to know about TriState Technology. Because that would connect them to the company and its core values.

For this, we wrote a list of questions for our bosses.

Let’s immediately begin with our interview with the company’s founders- Mr. Upendra Patel (UP) & Mr. Pragnest Dixit (PD).

Q: How you landed up in starting a new company?

Mr. PD: We both were into serving the well-known IT companies in our initial stage of careers. Almost around 8 or so years of experience in software development, we were doing well, but nothing to our own expectations. And, we both wanted to do something more than just a job.
Mr. UP: Enough was of our being the job seekers, we wanted to be the job creators and give back to the society what we’ve learned, what we’ve earned. And, here we are with our 6-year-old baby- TriState Technology

Q: What was the situation when you started TriState Technology and how was it through initial 2 years?

Mr. UP: TriState Technology began its journey in the year 2012 with just three people- Mr. PD, Ajay, and I. Our office was a small cubicle of 10×10 sq. ft. where we used to discuss hundreds of plans to become successful out of which, we knew only one is going to work. But, which one was that? A big question.
Mr. PD: Initially for 2 years, it was difficult to understand what to do, where to start, how to grab the clientele and how to give assurance to our deliverables. But, the most important thing was to stand steady throughout this phase of challenges. And, actually, we all Tristatians worked well. That’s why we are here giving an interview with you guys.

Q: What were the challenges that you’d experienced in your foundership life?

Mr. UP: Well, the first and foremost challenge was the increasing competition and the need to deliver in a short period of time. So many web and mobile app development companies are there in the market these days. Staying level-headed and upfront was what we wanted to be.
Mr. PD: Also, if we talk about the technical challenges, then the technological complexities were keeping us running. Because constant learning was much required and we were the project deliveries. So, to balance between learning new technologies and delivering the apps simultaneously was challenging initially. But, with the support of our increasing team of Tristatians’, we were able to overcome such huge challenges.

Q: Which one is the biggest project that changed the entire phase of TriState Technology?

Mr. PD: It was FANLINE.
Mr. UP: Yes! Definitely FANLINE. I guess in the year 2017.

I will give you an idea about what is FANLINE.

FANLINE is a marketplace mobile app that allows the users to interact with their favorite entertainers using text, voice, and video messaging and even using live video streaming. The client wanted to have an innovative entertainment platform where the fans and entertainers across the globe can connect to each other from their busy lives.

Check out everything from user flows, wireframes to the visual design of this media entertainment mobile app, FANLINE here.

Back to the interview.

Q: Where do you see TriState Technology at its 10th birthday?

Mr. PD: We want TriState Technology to become technologically advanced mobility solutions provider.
Mr. UP: And, even we want to expand our reach to many more countries and become globally recognized mobility enterprise.

Q: Where do you see the mobile app industry will reach by the end of the year 2020?

Mr. PD: We are already seeing more automation nowadays. Enterprises across the globe will work towards automating almost anything and everything and the actions will be taken care by the smartphones. Smartphones will become smarter day by day. All thanks to the smarter mobile apps.
Mr. UP: So, true! There will be more and more usage of an Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML). You know we have already started working towards these and the entire industry would be working hard towards utilizing them.

Q: What contributes to the success of TriState Technology?

Mr. UP & PD: The presence of Tristatians’, their hard work, dedication, and support at each phase of our company. Even, all of our clients, for giving us the opportunities to learn, explore, experiment and use our expertise on their solutions, their trust in our ability and their constant support is invaluable for our growth and success.

Q: So, is there anything else that you guys want to know? Asked by Mr. UP & PD.

Answer by me: No, that’s it for today! We’ll catch up sometime later with the different set of questions. LOL.

Well, that was a real fun to interact with our bosses. So good to know so much about our own company and connect with what our bosses have gone through. And, sometimes, it is good to pat on our back as well. I am glad to be a Tristatian and to be a part of our company’s growth and success.