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Celebrity Social Networking App

Mobile App Mobile App Mobile App



FANLINE is a mobile-based marketplace where users can interact via live video streaming, text or video messages with their favorite entertainers & entertainer to their fans. Moreover, entertainers can create music albums and earn money through the platform. The app contains other social networking features like facebook wall with like, comment and post, Live video, Upcoming events and many more.

Fanline Videos Photos Events Television News Music Broadcast

Fan User Flow

Fan User Flow

Entertainer User Flow

Fan User Flow

Business Goal

Business Goal

The client desired an innovative entertainment platform which created a connection between the fans and their favorite entertainer. It is difficult to find the time to the fans to stay connected with their favorite entertainer in this busiest world. So we came up with new solution to creating mobile application for the fans and the entertainers to connect the fans with the favorite entertainer easily by communicating with text and video messaging, listening songs, watching live show, upcoming events and much more.



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Visual Design

Visual Design

Visual Design Screen Visual Design Screen Visual Design Screen Visual Design Screen Visual Design Screen

Fanline Screens

Fanline Screens

News Feed News Feed News Feed

News Feed

Entertainers can share timeline with Fans! Upload current status with text, photos & videos in the built-in newsfeed. Fans can Like, comments and re-share on their own social media sites.

Entertainer Entertainer Entertainer Entertainer Entertainer Entertainer


Entertainers can register with the app.
Entertainers can upload Media content like photos, event info, upcoming TV & Radio shows Entertainers can quickly respond to messages from fans by using video or text.
They can polish the look & feel of their own app to mirror chosen profession. Musicians can upload & sell their own music to fans.

Live Event Live Event
Live Event Live Event Live Event Live Event Live Event Live Event Live Event Live Event

Live Event

Entertainers can be live on FANLINE! Fans can join the broadcasting and send gifts and comments. Entertainers can schedule the upcoming live.

Photos Photos Photos


Fans can easily view the photos uploaded by following Entertainers



Fans can easily view, comments and share the videos uploaded by following Entertainers.



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We found the most efficient ways to develop FANLINE by combining the strong points of different technologies, right methodology and the best team.We focused on clean code, the maintainability and scalability of the final product. We use various types of encryption and protocols to make the app secure.


Major Challenges


The challenge was to establish a single platform that would bring together to the fans and the entertainers. It could have problems with engaging the audience in any kind of meaningful conversation like messages, news for the new and old fans instantly with providing such a kind of tool to quickly update and customize content for the entertainers from the application.



result result result

We played a pivotal role in making application in native iOS and Android platform to provide a rich user experience in a smooth and effective manner. We also delivers superior performance with robust, reliable, and sustainable results in a long term mind set.


It helps FANLINE to maintaining user friendly environment for the fans and the entertainers. The client would be generating revenue to sell different kind of services for the fans to connect with the favorite entertainer and their activities from the application.

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Celebrity Social Networking App