Laravel is the best PHP framework for a web application development project.
Don’t believe me? Check out the trends and even comparison here-
Laravel vs. Symfony vs. CodeIgniter vs. Yii Vs. Zend Framework

A PHP framework is a platform that allows developers to develop web applications. The PHP frameworks allow developers
to rapidly develop the web apps. That is the reason why every web application development company choose PHP
frameworks for their web projects due to increasing demand for speedy time-to-market.
There are various PHP frameworks available in the industry-
- Laravel
- Symfony
- CodeIgniter
- CakePHP
- Zend
- Yii
- And, the list goes on and on
But, among all of the PHP frameworks, only Laravel is considered to be the best one for web application development
for enterprises.
Why? What are the benefits that it offers compared to others?
Let’s discuss what is Laravel and how it is beneficial for web app development.
Table of Contents
What is Laravel?
Here is a definition of Laravel from Wikipedia–

Laravel PHP framework was developed with the aim to make a few development tasks easier for developers such as
authentication, sessions, caching, and routing.
That means the web application development challenges are resolved using the Laravel PHP framework.
Now, let’s check out what are the benefits that you get if your web application is developed using the Laravelframework.
Features of Laravel PHP Framework

Laravel PHP Framework has numerous specific characteristics such as view format, validation, directing, accessing the database, documenting, reserving, and all of this in a brief period. Let’s go over some of Laravel’s essential features and understand Why Choose Laravel:
1. The Authentication Procedure
This functionality enables site access managers to quickly incorporate and activate approval & authentication, considerably simplifying authentication usage.
2. MVC Support Architecture
The Laravel Framework employs an MVC architectural plan that isolates and manages certain development components of the certain app created. This practice improves efficiency and lets the developers produce better, more readable coding, which improves documentation.
3. Lightweight Templates
Laravel’s lightweight templates produce Impressive layouts which are simple and attractive. It also offers a plethora of widgets with well-structured JSS & CSS.
4. Unit Testing
By running numerous tests, the unit testing method now ensures that no new alterations will cause a problem. Even though unit testing takes a long time to create, it allows the program to run.
5. Object-Oriented Library Session
An authentication library can help authenticate password reset, cross-site request forgery, bcrypt hashing, active users, and encryption.
Benefits of Laravel Development
Several web development companies prefer PHP to create the website framework. However, Laravel is the top choice. The popularity of Laravel development is growing because of the detailed syntax, flexibility and simplification the several tasks. Are you going to develop a website with Laravel? If yes, you must look for the reasons behind Why Choose Laravel!
Companies are now taking digital paths to improve their audience outreach. Choosing the framework is a complex task because several options are available in the industry. In today’s fast-paced environment, you must understand which framework works out of the box. Laravel became the most popular framework and the default choice for developing complex web applications.
1. Security For Web Resources
Security is the biggest concern why most companies choose Laravel as a framework for developing their website. The Laravel frameworks have advanced security features that are it easy to set up a website. This is necessary for improving the security & protects the site from hackers.
Laravel uses the Bcrypt hashing algorithm that never stores the password in the database. With the help of Laravel developers, you can solve cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and query spoofing. Laravel secures the developer code & fixes the security vulnerabilities & other technical issues before deploying the website.
2. Great Performance Under High Server Load
When your business grows, traffic to your site also grows. The website developed under Laravel can handle the request much faster than the other framework. Laravel uses a unique message system through which you can postpone certain website tasks like sending mail in a certain time frame. The developers use it to maintain the site speed by reducing hosting costs.
3. Flexibility
Through the Laravel framework, you can develop an ecommerce site or a simple yet professional B2B site. It has extensive pre-installed libraries that allow you to create and maintain various advanced
4. Easy Maintenance & Support
The website built in the Laravel framework is easier to maintain than the others. You can easily implement other features in your site after a year. The new developer can easily start his work where your last developer left off. Laravel is easier than other frameworks because of its built-in feature, MVC architecture & on-time supporting community. It allows revamping the site at any point.
5. Built-In Authentication System
Laravel is a great framework because it has plug & a play user authentication system. It gives the access to the users for accessing the website in a straightforward process. Laravel has a built-in authentication package that gives control access to the protected resources. Laravel offers a simplified mail integration system that can create mail servers. Laravel supports sending notifications through various channels and offers cloud-based mail services like Amazon SES, SMTP and many more!
6. Receive Better Performance
When you develop a site with the Laravel framework, you can improve the performance of any system. It offers support for server-side caching with built-in drivers. With this, you can increase the cache limit through appropriate commands. It helps for better memory management automatically and improves the loading speed & backend performance of the website.
Do the above-discussed benefits are enough to choose the Laravel framework? If not enough, you can look for the below-discussed perks or benefits of Laravel development!

Why Choose Laravel Development Services?
Here are the reasons why enterprises need to choose Laravel development services for web application development:

1. High Security
Every year there are numerous cyber attacks taking place. In such situations, you need frameworks that safeguard your web apps.
One of the most important benefits of selecting Laravel for your web app development is its capabilities to provide high-class security.
Laravel itself is a secured framework which does not allow any malware activities or security threats to enter within the web app. That means your web app development code is safe and secure.
If you choose Laravel, your web app is risk-free from any unintended and hidden SQL injections.
2. Enhanced Performance
Another stronger reason to choose Laravel is its capabilities to provide an excellent performance of the web apps.
There are times when certain features and functionalities affect the site performance. But, Laravel comes up with various tools that help the developers to boost the web app performance.
The tools such as Memcached and Redis needs to be integrated within the Laravel framework while developing the web apps and they make things easier for the developers to enhance the web app performance.
That means with Laravel, you have the highest performing web app.
3. Powerful Authentication
The Laravel PHP framework was developed by Taylor Otwell with a purpose to help the website developers. He wanted to allow developers to create certain web app functionalities much faster and even in a better way.
And, one of the extremely challenging functionality for web developers is- developing authentication for web apps.
Laravel makes easy for the developers to create a logic behind providing access to the authorized users.
4. Open Source & Powerful Community
One another benefit for you to choose Laravel is that it is open-source. But, that is enough for you to choose it over other PHP frameworks.
But, Laravel has a powerful community of developers and development companies that constantly and continuously provide support to make it more flexible and scalable.
So, if your developer wants to bring some complex functionalities, he/she is always open to take the expert advice from the community and make your app as per your needs.
In short, your app development does not stop despite any such complex functionalities and you get what you desired.
5. Blade Templating
One of the key features of Laravel is its Blade Templating engine. This engine allows the web developers to simply use the pre-defined templates to write certain codes.
But, those templates does not restrict developers to write their own simple and plain PHP codes. The templates are light-weighted, intuitive, and dynamic that allows developers to write code easily and quickly.
This benefit of using Laravel with Blade templating makes your website light-weighted without compromising on the performance of the same.
6. Database Migration
There is one more benefit of using the Laravel framework is Migrations of databases. These migrations allow the developers to easily undo the changes made to the database.
Using migrations, the developers can share the databases to other developers within the team easily and smoothly.
This was not possible earlier, but various Laravel developers came up with such facilities.
The pairing of migrations ensures that the databases are created and maintained appropriately without re-creating it. This saves a lot of time of developers for your web app development.
7. MVC Architecture
While discussing what is Laravel, the definition from Wikipedia explicitly says that it follows a
Model-view-controller architecture.
And, due to this MVC architecture, Laravel is said to be the best framework to use for your web application development.
MVC architecture provides built-in functionalities which the developers can make the best use of while developing your web app. The MVC architecture also provides better documentation compared to other PHP frameworks.
And, using MVC architecture improves the performance of your web apps. And, that’s the reason why you should choose Laravel.
8. Object Oriented Libraries
Laravel comes up with Object Oriented libraries. These libraries are pre-installed ones and one of them is Authentication library. These libraries are full of excellent features that are easy-to-use and easy-to-implement for the developer.
The Laravel framework is divided among modules that allow the developers to develop responsive, modular and even ready-made apps.
9. Easy Unit Testing
Another reason why you should consider choosing the Laravel framework for your web development is that it provides easy unit testing.
What is unit testing?
Unit testing is a type of testing in which each module or component of your web application is being tested so that no part of your website remains broken.
Unit testing ensures there are no bugs or exceptions in your web application before it goes live. That means you’ve high performing and bug-free application for your end users.
Now, you are sure-shot to choose Laravel, right?
10. Future-ready Apps
The Laravel framework is evolving every day. In the beginning, we saw the increasing trend of the Laravel PHP framework. That trend is allowing the developers, companies and even the entire Laravel community to bring extraordinary functionalities that stays on the top of the technology needs.
This allows you to get future-ready apps despite changing technology needs.
11. Developer-friendly Code
The Laravel framework comes up with libraries, tools, and even templates that make the lives of developers easy for web application development.
And, when the developers enjoy developing your web apps, they try to make it fully-functional and a powerful one.
You get to see an amazing app for your required business growth.
12. Easy Creating Multi-lingual Apps
While looking at all the other benefits, there is another benefit of using Laravel development services is creating the multi-lingual apps.
For the businesses who are looking to expand their reach across various countries with different languages, Laravel is the right option.
Your web application can be developed for different languages using the Laravel framework easily and quickly.
13. Faster Time-to-marketM
Today, every business is looking to speed up their digital transformation and that’s the reason why it is necessary to choose the right framework for your web application.
Choosing the Laravel framework speeds up your development of web applications and hence, you can make it live much sooner compared to using other frameworks.
This marks it as the last but not the least reason to choose the Laravel development services.
Whether you are going to choose a Laravel development services provider or hire Laravel developers, rest assured that your web application is going to be as per your expectations.
The only thing is to choose the right one.
How to do that? Let’s discuss over a cup of coffee.