Umixd is the social networking platform for university students that allows them to interact at various levels e.g. university, course, interest, society, nationality etc. and provide them an opportunity to connect with like minded people.
Apart from this, the platform has feature to get good deal from restaurants near by to their locations. It is the market place for restaurants to get more audience from university students.
colors & Typography
colors & Typography
Business Goal
Business Goal
The client wanted to solve the issue of migrant students. When the students migrate to another country, they don't have enough network. The client found an opportunity to fill the gap with innovative app concept which create the networking groups based on the students’ university, course, batch, nationality, interest etc and by posting anything on the feed, the user can get the resolution on query and help from the community members.
On top of this, the students can participate or create event at recommend spot or custom spot and avail the discounts. The restaurants can also sign up the platform to get more audience.
Visual Design
Visual Design
Color theam Blue Color and White.

Key Features
Key Features

Feed Screen
- Feed screen shows the events happening for the particular group with option to attend or decline.
- The screen shows Hot and Top posts based on the algorithm to engage the user more on the application.
- The students will be able to buy or sell things through feed screen.
- The app provides the platform to restaurants to create deals exclusive for students associated
- Basically, it is the marketplace where students can avail the offers from various restaurants.
- Restaurant can create deals for weekdays, weekends or happy hours along with limited quantity deals.
- Invit-all is the option which allow the option to the stundent to create event either by inviting all the users of particular group like university, course, interest etc. or within the friends by inviting them individually.
- The student can avail this option either directly through the menu or from deal section by going in detail of any deal.
- Invitation card will have option to either accept, decline or may be option.

- The app allows the users to create events for various things like drink, food, activity, cafe etc.
- There are thee type of the events like recommended spot, custom spot and deals. Through recommended spot, the user can select the restaurant from the list.
- Custom spot allows the user to select the custom spot by copying the link of place and defining required details for creating events.
- To avail the benefit of the deal, the student has to make the payment through the application.
- We have used StripeConnect to get benefit of marketplace functionality.
Technology Stack
Technology Stack
React JS
Major Challenges
Major Challenges
The client wanted to build the MVP in 8 week duration. TriState has helped him to implement the idea into real app in short duration.