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App Description

The DataFlow app allows easy data transfer to Ludum, Rowsandall, Strava, etc. This includes both performance data and the tracks of the courses you steered.

You can then review and analyse both these on-water workouts and any land-based ones you have transferred to those sites.


The app also lets you update the firmware on your ActiveSpeed and in the future it will let you see, and analyse, data and force curves from our RapidFit Coaching and Data oarlocks.

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Listing of available Bluetooth devices

List of available devices and need to choose ActiveSpeed device to pair.

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Pair with the ActiveSpeed devices

Active Speed and App need to pair before upload or collect data. There are pre-defined commands and pair internally

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Collect Data

The raw byte data received from Active Speed, we generate the file. The DATA tab will show the generated Fit file. The data collected from the ActiveSpeed are saved as .fit file.There are list of .fit files having data on Data collection screen. Which has the facility to share the data to the other defined platforms.

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Share data with third parties

Share the collected data to authorized sites like Trainingpeaks, Strava, Rowsndall. There is a feature of Auto Sync.

There are other platforms as well where you can share the data like through Email or Dropbox.

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Update Bluetooth and Core firmware

This is accomplished by sending a file to Active Speed and it will self program without help from the App.

Active Speed has 3 systems, core, BLE and coach link, all of which can be updated so there will be 3 possible files, but Active Speed can only process one at a time so the user will have to choose which update he wants on the App.

Technologies We Used

Native iOS

Native iOS

Native Android

Native Android



React JS

React JS

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