One must understand that every programming language has its very own set of strengths and drawbacks. Moreover, a single programming language cannot do it all. Certain scenarios need specific programming languages.
In this article, we will take a look at two of the most popular programming languages, Node.js and Python.
During the last couple of years, both Node.js and Python have gained quite a lot of traction. When it comes to Node.js vs Python, the latter stands out as the most popular programming language, whereas the former is excellent for server programming/development.
But before we dive into the differences between node.js and python, let’s understand what Node.js and Python are.
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What is Node.js?
Node.js is predominantly event-driven, which makes it versatile and it adds tremendous efficiency to the project. Its concurrent structure allows it to process several requests at the same time without stopping I/O activities. On both the client/server sides, most developers choose Node.js over JavaScript.
Node.js is ideal for developing real-time smartphone applications since it allows you to edit several modules at the same time.
As per Hostingtribunal, Node.js reduces development costs by a staggering 58%. Netflix, Amazon, Reddit, eBay, and many more use Node.js.

Source: Simform
What is Python?
Python is the most well-known backend developing language with several built-in tools and packages. Python is a very simple language and aids programmers in writing clean coding sequences for projects.
Python supports various other programming languages as well. Rather than lengthy, replaceable coding lines; with Python, programmers may employ code modules.
It’s so popular that, as per Leftronic, 4 out of 5 programmers state that Python is their primary language. Moreover, Python is among the main languages used by Google.

Source: Python.org
Which backend technology you must choose in 2021?
When creating an application, you cannot go about using any programming language you want.
There are several situations where Node.jsdevelopment plays a key role, and then there are situations where Python plays a more significant role.

Source: MindInventory
Understanding which language to use in which situation is the key. Without further ado, let’s compare Node.js and Python based on different criteria:
1. Architecture
The rules for generating modules and connecting them are defined by the architecture of computer languages. To enhance the developing process, you will require a good architecture.
Node.js development is event-driven that allows for concurrent input and output. When a specific event happens, a particular process is invoked, ensuring that no program stops the thread. The event-driven design of Node.js is ideal for creating chat games and apps on the web.
Single Thread Event Loops are used in Node.js’ architecture on the server-side to manage concurrent user requests. Rather than generating many threads to manage the obstructing requests, a single thread is used. Node.js does not require as much memory or resources since just a single thread and is more than enough to handle multiple requests.
Python, on the other hand, is not built in this manner. With the aid of specific tools, you may utilize it to create an asynchronously event-driven software.
Asynchronous code can be written in Python using modules such as asyncio. However, most Python frameworks do not include this package; thus, it requires some extra effort.
Asynchronous programming is not integrated into Python’s architecture to provide input-output capabilities. Whenever a blocking request is in progress, you can’t perform any more unblocking requests. This functionality requires unique modules, which aren’t really accessible in the majority of the Python frameworks.
The verdict: Owing to its receptive architecture, Node.js takes the point here.
2. Libraries
This refers to a set collection of modules that include several different features. Developers can incorporate these features to help them write new codes. It makes the process of coding an easy one.
NPM – the Node Package Manager – manages libraries and packages in Node.js. It’s among the largest software library sources. NPM is simple to understand, well-documented, and pretty straightforward to use.
With Node.js, you can quickly import current code packages that are adjustable for a variety of scenarios.
Pip, which refers to “Pip installs Python,” is the Python library and package manager. Pip is quick, dependable, and simple to use, making it simple for programmers to learn.
It includes 220,000 packages to pick from in various categories, including image processing, data analytics, computation, and more, depending on your needs. Although Python contains multiple libraries, the record-keeping makes installation simple, making it a popular choice among programmers.
The verdict: Owing to its large library, Node.js is a clear winner in this category.
3. Syntax
To have flexible smartphone app development, you ought to have a user-friendly syntax.
The Node.js syntax is almost identical to the one in Python; this means that if you have any kind of experience with Python. Then you will absolutely have no problem writing a backend development code with Node.js.
Python’s syntax is frequently cited as its strongest feature. Therefore, computer programmers who code in Python need to generate fewer lines of code than those who work in Node.js. Python’s syntax is straightforward and devoid of curly brackets.
The code is significantly easier to understand and debug as a result of this. In fact, Python code is so straightforward that even people without technical experience may understand it. But, once again, it is a matter of personal choice.
However, novices will benefit from Python’s syntax since it is simpler to understand and master.
The verdict: Owing to its simplicity, Python takes the point here.
4. Performance
The responsiveness of the customer’s requests is affected by the speed and performance of the computer languages.
First and foremost, Node.js’ speed is outstanding because JavaScript code is translated by the V8 engine (in which Google has invested substantially).
Furthermore, because Node.js processes code outside of the internet browser, the app consumes fewer resources, improving performance. It also enables you to make use of technologies like TCP sockets that aren’t available in browsers.
Consequently, the event-driven non-blocking design allows for processing multiple requests simultaneously, thereby speeding up the code execution.
Finally, Node.js supports single module caching, significantly speeding up app loading and improves responsiveness.
Python and JavaScript are both interpretive languages, which means that they are sluggish compared to compiled languages like Java.
Python, unlike Node.js, is a single-flow language, which means requests are handled pretty slowly. Python is therefore not the ideal choice for projects that value speed and efficiency or require many sophisticated computations.
Verdict: Although Python is much simpler to understand, it doesn’t have speed optimization, making Node.js win in this aspect.
5. Scalability
The mobile apps you create ought to be able to accommodate a large number of users without crashing. Furthermore, when an app is launched, there should always be space for improvements and updates.
Without the ability to scale an app, it becomes stagnant.
You won’t have to build a massive unified core using Node.js. Conversely, you develop a collection of microservices or modules, all of which communicate using a compact system and run their own processes. The development process is flexible; you can quickly introduce a new microservice or a module.
A Node.js web application could also be easily scaled both vertically and horizontally. To grow it horizontally, you just incorporate more nodes into the existing system. You insert more resources into the nodes if you want to scale it vertically.
Lastly, in terms of type, Node.js offers more alternatives as compared to Python. You can utilize JavaScript that is loosely typed or TypeScript that is firmly typed.
Multithreading must be activated for a program to scale. However, Python employs the Global Interpreter Lock; it doesn’t permit multithreading (GIL).
Even though Python contains multithreading libraries, it is not “real” multithreading. Moreover, even if you happen to have several threads, the GIL lets Python run only one thread at a given time.
The verdict: When it comes to scalability, Node.js takes a point.
6. Universality
It refers to the capability of these languages when handling several devices that use web apps.
Backend development mainly requires Node.js. Similarly, you use javascript for front-end development. Therefore the front-end and back-end utilize the very same computer language.
Node.js is capable of handling web pages and web apps on a variety of devices. Because Node.js is cross-platform, a programmer may post a proper desktop app that runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Python is a full-stack programming language, which could be used for either front-end or backend development. Python, like Node.js, is cross-platform, which means that a Python program created on a Mac will operate on Linux.
Python is pre-installed on Linux and Mac. However, you must set up the Python interpreter manually on Windows. Python is excellent for online and computer development, but it falls short in mobile technology. As a result, most smartphone applications are not built with Python. Python’s prominence in IoT and AI systems is rapidly expanding.
The verdict: Considering universality, both of them go hand-in-hand.
Final word
As previously stated, each programming language has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Some languages may work in a situation, and they may not work as well in others.
Therefore, understanding the goal of your project is essential. You can always choose the language based on that. This approach will also increase your success rates.
So, if you’re working on a project, make sure you are aware of the requirements, features, and benefits you want. After that, make a list of all the needs and then evaluate which language would work better.
This is the way you can get the best result possible.